
dijous, de desembre 27, 2007

Una lista indie del 2007

Ya empiezan a salir las listas de todo tipo en cuanto al añito 2007... esta es una lista indie realizada por indiehitlist...

Así a primera vista hay bastantes cosas buenas...

1) Japancakes - "Loveless"
2) The Loose Salute - "Tuned to Love"
3) Seabear - "The Ghost That Carried Us Away"
4) Sambassadeur - "Migration"
5) Club 8 - "The Boy Who Couldn't Stop Dreaming"
6) Air Formation - "Daylight Storms"
7) Cat-A-Tac - "Past Lies and Formed Lives"
8) Primary 5 - Go!
9) Grant Lee Phillips - "Strangelet"
10) Frank & Walters - "A Renewed Interest In Happiness"
12)Trembling Blue Stars - "The Last Holy Writer"
14) The Thrills - Teenager
15) The Clientele - God Save the Clientele"
16) Irene - "Long Gone Since Last Summer"
17) Manic Street Preachers - "Send Away the Tigers"
18) Arcade Fire - "Neon Bible"
19) The National - Apartment Story
20) Wilco - "Sky Blue Sky"
21) Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - "Baby 81"
22) Travis - "The Boy With No Name"
23) Son Volt - "The Search"
24) Cats On Fire - "The Province Complains"
25) The Ladybug Transistor – “Can’t Wait Another Day"
26) Voxtrot - "St"
27) Interpol - "Our Love to Admire"
28) Fountains of Wayne - "Traffic and Weather"
29) The Orchids - "Good to Be A Stranger"
30) Maps - "We Can Create"

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